Carbon And Its Compound

             Carbon And Its Compound

The atomic number of carbons is 6. Its electronic configuration is 2, 4. It requires 4 electrons to

achieve the inert gas electronic configuration. It can achieve noble gas configuration, If it were to

lose or gain 4 electrons.

 It could gain four electrons forming C-4

anion. But it would be difficult for the nucleus with six

protons to hold on to ten electrons.

 It could lose four electrons forming C+4 cations. But it requires a large amount of energy to

remove four electrons.

 Thus, carbon overcomes this problem by sharing of its valence electrons with other carbon

atoms or with atoms of other elements.

Covalent bond

 The bond formed by mutual sharing of electron pairs between two atoms in a molecule is known

as Covalent Bond.

Types of Covalent Bond:

 Single Covalent Bond: When a single pair of electrons are shared between two atoms in a

molecule. For example; F


, Cl


, H2

, HCl , H2O, CH4, NH3etc.

Double Covalent Bond: When two pairs of electrons are shared between two atoms in a molecule.

For example; O


, CO



 Triple Covalent Bond: When three pairs of electrons are shared between two atoms in a molecule.

For example; N




Allotropy is defined as the property by which an element can exist in more than one form that are

physically different but chemically similar.

Allotropes of carbon

Carbon exists in three allotropic forms. They are crystalline form (diamond and graphite), amorphous

form (coke,charcoal) and fullerene.

In diamond each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms forming a rigid three

dimensional structure , accounting for it’s hardness and rigidity.

In graphite each carbon atom is bonded to three other carbon atoms in the same plane giving

hexagonal layers held together by weak vander Waals forces accounting for softness.

Fullerenes form another type of carbon allotropes. The first one was identified to contain 60 carbon

atoms in the shape of a football. (C-60).

Versatile Nature of Carbon: -

The existence of a large number of organic compounds is due to the following nature of carbon-

 Catenation

 Tetravalent nature.


 The self-linking property of an element mainly carbon atom through covalent bonds to form long

straight, branched chains and rings of different sizes is called catenation.

This property is due to

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